Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home
- Masters: My villagers aren't progressing beyond Adept skill level.
- Multiple players: How do I have multiple games going in Virtual Villagers: A New Home?
- Nursing moms: The nursing mothers in my game show that they have thousands of minutes left to nurse their babies.
- One gender left: There are only males (or females) left in my tribe. Is there any hope for this game?
- One villager left: There is only one villager left in my tribe. Is there any hope for this game?
- Pause: How do I pause (or unpause) the game?
- Pause: I paused my game, but when I started it again my villagers were all in different places. Why did that happen?
- Percentage completion: The game isn't displaying the percentage of completion on a project that my builders are working on.
- Puzzles: I need solutions for the puzzles in Virtual Villagers: A New Home.
- Puzzles: I solved all the puzzles. Is there more to the game?
- Researching: The villagers won't research now that I have purchased all levels of Village Tech.
- Time: Time isn't passing properly in my game. My villagers don't age, the crop timer is all wrong, and nursing moms won't release their babies.
- Twins/Triplets: How do I make twins or triplets?
- High Scores List/Leader board: Can I get on the leader board if I didn't buy my game directly from LDW?
- Gender imbalance: My game has mostly males (or females). How do I get more baby girls (or boys)?
- Game Speed: What effect do the different speed settings have on the game?
- Game Speed: How many minutes make up a game year in Virtual Villagers?
- Game ending: Is there an ending to the game?
- Fishing: How do I teach my villagers to fish in Virtual Villagers: A New Home?
- Dead Villagers: My villagers all die before I can get an unlimited food supply.
- Crops: Do crops need to be watered? Can crops rot?
- Cemetery: Why won't the number of villagers buried go higher than 50?
- Babies: I can't get my female villagers to produce children.