Upgrades, Currency & Rewards


So, what’s this I hear about fixing up houses?

The main goal of the game is to successfully complete cook off levels, which will earn you recommendation letters. Note that you may need to complete levels a few times to earn the letter!

Once you’ve earned enough letters, you’ll see a crate – tap on this to fix up your house and increase its value! As you progress through your “Family Planner”, you’ll find more crates that award you with a different renovation, which you can customize multiple ways. You can also go back and change the way your house looks at any time!

Once all renovations are complete and the value goal is met, you’ll move on to a new house and continue cooking and renovating!

Where do I upgrade my equipment and recipes?

The key to success in your cook offs will be to upgrade the cooking equipment and food in each theme.  Levels will become much more difficult to beat without upgrades!  Not only can you make your cooking more efficient, you can improve your recipes and the volume at which you can both cook and serve, which will result in more money and recommendation letters for your Virtual Family!

Tap the Upgrades button on the “Family Planner” or before starting a level to buy upgrades with Coins, Chef Hats or a combination of both!

What is the purpose of Coins?

You can use Coins to buy cooking equipment and recipe upgrades and are earned from playing and beating levels.  Note that Coins do not transfer between any new houses you unlock!  Each house will provide you with a new type of Coin.

What can I do with Chef Hats?

Chef Hats are the main form of currency.  You can earn them by beating levels, completing daily tasks and picking up daily rewards.  If you need a Boost, want to restore your lives or need a certain cooking upgrade and don’t have enough Coins, then make sure you have enough Chef Hats!  They’re also available for purchase in the store.

What are these scratch tickets I’m occasionally receiving?

Scratch and Win cards are unlocked by earning pins on the Family Planner, and they’re another way to earn free rewards! 

Unlock up to three scratch tickets through each house, by earn each type of pin for every level.  Once you’ve earned a scratch ticket, just drag your finger across the scratch area until you reveal your prize, including free Chef Hats, Boosts, Popsicles and much, much more!

Free Rewards???

To help you progress in the game, you can also earn free rewards just from logging in at least once every 24 hours!  You’ll find a piñata waiting for you in your game – smash it open to claim free Popsicles, Boosts, Chef Hats and more!

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