Carrying Items
Your mayor has a few places to put the items that can be purchased or found in the town. At the beginning of the game, you will have only the Tool Tray and Inventory (which the game sometimes calls your “pockets”). Once your pockets are full, you cannot pick up new items, buy things at the shops, or receive items from the townsfolk until you remove items by selling, donating, or dropping them. Be careful, though! If you drop bugs that you’ve caught, they will escape and be lost! Also, dropped items tend to reduce the town’s beauty, so it’s best to find some other way to make room in your pockets.
The mayor has the following places to store items:
Tool Tray
The 6 slots just to the right of your mayor’s picture at the bottom of the screen are called the Tool Tray. You will want to use it to store the items you use most often, since they are always accessible.
The Inventory is an additional place to put carried items that won’t fit in the Tool Tray. To access your Inventory, tap the orange “up arrow” to the right of the Tool Tray, and your Inventory will open up, revealing an additional 30 slots for carrying additional items. You can close your Inventory by tapping on the orange “down arrow” to the right of the open Inventory.
If you run out of spaces to put items in your pockets, you can purchase a storage item from the General Store. Storage items are furniture capable of holding items, such as bookshelves, safes, dressers, credenzas, filing cabinets, nightstands and more. Keep an eye on what’s for sale each day, so that you won’t miss that storage item you’re looking for. Once you have a storage item placed in your house, just tap it to open your storage space, then drag and drop the items you want to store into the scrollable boxes on the right.
Using items
There are several ways to use items, depending upon the type of item. Most items are explained in their related articles:
Tools: How do I use the tools and what do the levels mean?
Townsfolk items for favors: How do I find the things the townsfolk are asking for?
Furniture for decorating the mayor's house: How do I build, expand and decorate my mayor's house?
Town Upgrades: How do Town Beauty, Town Upgrades and town population work?
Other items are used in the following ways:
Bugs, plants, minerals, and other items you want to sell or donate to the museum:
Tap on Ronald in the museum or Oscar in the General Store, which will open your Inventory and the Donate or Sell window. Drag the item you want to sell or donate to the window on the right, then confirm the transaction. You can donate bugs, mature plants, and minerals to the museum. You can sell almost all items that you find, receive or grow.
Trees, plants or seeds that you want to grow in your town:
Dig a hole where you would like to plant, then tap the seed, plant or tree that is located in your Tool Tray or Inventory. Your mayor will plant that item in the hole. If your mayor is standing near more than one hole, the mayor will choose which hole to plant it in.
Fertilizer/formulas to use on flowers:
Tap the item in your inventory to activate it with a green glow. An arrow and square will appear. Drag it to the full grown flower you wish to use it on. Tap the Deploy button.
Clothing, eyeglasses, or shoes that you want your mayor to wear:
Once the Boutique opens (after 2 additional townsfolk have moved into your town), you can change your mayor’s clothing. After you buy an item from the Boutique, you can drag and drop the item from the Inventory onto either the mayor’s full-length portrait to the left of the open Inventory or directly onto the mayor standing in the town. If it falls onto the ground, you will need to pick it up and try again. To change eyeglasses/sunglasses, use the eyeglasses case (which you'll receive with a new pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses) on the mayor's face to remove the current pair.
Clothing, eyeglasses, or shoes that you want to give to one of the townsfolk:
You can change the clothing of your adoptee and the townsfolk. Note that you cannot change the clothing of any of the people who are employed by the town, such as Mrs. Mottershead and the shopkeepers. After you buy an item from the Boutique, you can drag and drop the item from the Inventory directly onto the person standing in the town. If two people are standing close together, it’s best to wait until the intended recipient is away from other townsfolk, in order to avoid putting the item onto the wrong person. If the item falls onto the ground, you will need to pick it up and try again. To change eyeglasses/sunglasses, use the eyeglasses case (which you'll receive with a new pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses) on the townfolk's face to remove the current pair.