Your little people do not know how to fix these problems without your guidance. Take one of your little people (age 14 and up) to the right tool for the job and they will happily fix the problem. Sometimes it will take an additional minute for other family members to realize that the problem has been fixed. If it bothers you, you can always pick them up and drop them after the repair is complete to "snap" them out of it.
Resolving house malfunctions
How do I fix a leaky sink?
Place a person age 14 or older on the tools lying on the work bench in the workshop, and they will fix the leak. -
How do I repair a clogged shower?
Place a person age 14 or older on the tools lying on the work bench in the workshop, and they will unclog the shower. -
How do I repair a clogged toilet?
Place a person age 14 or older on the toilet, and they will clear up the clog. -
How do I put out a dryer/oven fire?
Place a person age 14 or older on the fire extinguishers in the workshop. -
How do I get rid of the sock(s) near the bathroom toilet?
1) Purchase a washing machine for your family.
2) Place a family member on the sock pile to have them take a sock to the washing machine. Repeat until all socks are laundered. -
How do I water the flowers?
Place a person on the watering cans near the hose, and they will water the flowers.
Place a person on the hose next to the window boxes to water the window box flowers. -
How do I get rid of the ants?
1) Place a person age 14 or older on the first ingredient in the kitchen. They will take it to the workshop and prepare it for use.
2) Place a person age 14 or older on the second ingredient by the trash bin near the gate. They will take it to the workshop and prepare spray to use on the ants. -
How do I deal with the dirt mounds in the yard?
They are part of a special set of collectibles. Before you can collect what’s hidden under them you’ll need to purchase something special found only randomly in the Flea Market... a Rockhound Certificate.