If you don't remember where you purchased your game, the best way to check is to look in the lower left corner of the game's Menu Screen. The place of purchase should be located after the game's version number. If, for some reason, the distributor is not shown there, you can determine that information by starting the game and watching the intro screens. The first screen is always ours (Created by Last Day of Work). If you purchased the game from another game site, a second screen will be displayed that identifies the game site where you purchased the game.
The following information provides contact links for the most popular game sites. You will usually find their help or support links near the top or bottom of each site's page.
- Amazon.com
- AOL Games
- Arcade Town
- Big Fish Games
- Boonty
- Game Fiesta
- iWin
- Mac App Store (Apple)
- PlayFirst
- Pogo
- Real Arcade: launch RealArcade and click on the Help Desk item on the far left.
- Reflexive Arcade: Reflexive Arcade was acquired by Amazon.com in 2008. For issues with games purchased from Reflexive, you should contact Amazon.com for assistance. If they are unable to resolve the problem, please submit our Support Form (select the "No" response, below), and we will attempt to assist you.
- Shockwave
- WildTangent Games
- Yahoo Games