Internet Access and Feedback

Where can I get Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium?

FT2 is currently available on Google Play for Android devices, on iTunes for iOS devices and on Amazon for Kindle and Android devices.

Can I play without an internet connection?

Unfortunately, that's not possible.  You will need an internet connection in order to play the game.  That can be either Wifi or a cellular connection, but keep in mind that a cellular connection might charge you for data, depending on your cellular plan.

Where can I send my feedback?

The best feedback you can give us is a 5 star review on the app store.  This truly helps us build new content and make the game better.  You don’t have to write a review if you don’t want to, just tap "Write Review", give it 5 stars and hit submit.  Once you do that, let us know by submitting your feedback as mentioned below and we'll be happy to give you a small token of our appreciation.

If you have concerns you'd like to mention to us, you can submit your feedback through the game to our support team. Tap on the Get Help button in the Options menu (the Gear icon in the lower left corner of any tank screen).

Also, connect with us on Facebook for updates and exciting news!

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